Penemuan Planet Baru Bernama Tyche Adalah HOAX !

Penyusun : Yohanes Gitoyo, S Pd.

Ilustrasi matahari dari awan oort.

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Ternyata setelah saya lihat di :, di upload tanggal 18 Februari 2011, informasi tentang penemuan Planet Tyche tersebut adalah HOAX (berita yang tidak dapat dibuktikan kebenaranya). Berikut saya kutipkan artikel tanya jawab tentang keberadaan Planet Tyche.

Q: When could data from WISE confirm or rule out the existence of the hypothesized planet Tyche? A: It is too early to know whether WISE data confirms or rules out a large object in the Oort cloud. Analysis over the next couple of years will be needed to determine if WISE has actually detected such a world or not. The first 14 weeks of data, being released in April 2011, are unlikely to be sufficient. The full survey, scheduled for release in March 2012, should provide greater insight. Once the WISE data are fully processed, released and analyzed, the Tyche hypothesis that Matese and Whitmire propose will be tested.

Q: Is it a certainty that WISE would have observed such a planet if it exists?

A: It is likely but not a foregone conclusion that WISE could confirm whether or not Tyche exists. Since WISE surveyed the whole sky once, then covered the entire sky again in two of its infrared bands six months later, WISE would see a change in the apparent position of a large planet body in the Oort cloud over the six-month period. The two bands used in the second sky coverage were designed to identify very small, cold stars (or brown dwarfs) -- which are much like planets larger than Jupiter, as Tyche is hypothesized to be.

Q: If Tyche does exist, why would it have taken so long to find another planet in our solar system?

A: Tyche would be too cold and faint for a visible light telescope to identify. Sensitive infrared telescopes could pick up the glow from such an object, if they looked in the right direction. WISE is a sensitive infrared telescope that looks in all directions.

Q: Why is the hypothesized object dubbed "Tyche," and why choose a Greek name when the names of other planets derive from Roman mythology?

A: In the 1980s, a different companion to the sun was hypothesized. That object, named for the Greek goddess "Nemesis," was proposed to explain periodic mass extinctions on the Earth. Nemesis would have followed a highly elliptical orbit, perturbing comets in the Oort Cloud roughly every 26 million years and sending a shower of comets toward the inner solar system. Some of these comets would have slammed into Earth, causing catastrophic results to life. Recent scientific analysis no longer supports the idea that extinctions on Earth happen at regular, repeating intervals. Thus, the Nemesis hypothesis is no longer needed. However, it is still possible that the sun could have a distant, unseen companion in a more circular orbit with a period of a few million years -- one that would not cause devastating effects to terrestrial life. To distinguish this object from the malevolent "Nemesis," astronomers chose the name of Nemesis's benevolent sister in Greek mythology, "Tyche."

JPL manages and operates the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. The principal investigator, Edward Wright, is at UCLA. The mission was competitively selected under NASA's Explorers Program managed by the Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. The science instrument was built by the Space Dynamics Laboratory, Logan, Utah, and the spacecraft was built by Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp., Boulder, Colo. Science operations and data processing take place at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. Caltech manages JPL for NASA. More information is online at, and .

Whitney Clavin 818-354-4673
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Dan untuk menebus kesalahan saya berikut analisa saya tentang Planet Tyche tersebut.
  • Semua planet yang mengorbit Matahari memiliki orbit berbentuk lingkaran, setelah Planet Neptunus orbit semakin membentuk elips, dan semakin jauh elips tersebut semakin pipih sesuai dengan jarak obyek tersebut, bandingkan 2 gambar berikut, lingkaran hijau orbit planet, lingkaran merah orbit dwarf planet, dan panah kuning menunjukkan orbit obyek awan oort (komet dan termasuk Planet Tyche tersebut.  
Orbit planet nampak horizontal

Orbit planet nampak vertikal.
 Letak formasi awan oort.
  • Obyek Planet Tyche terletak pada formasi awan oort ( Orrt Cloud Object ), pada jarak 15,000 AU = 15 ribu kali jarak Bumi ke Matahari atau setara dengan 2.2×10. 000. 000. 000. 000 km !, bayangkan pada jarak tersebut dari matahari, sudah dapat dipastikan planet tersebut adalah planet beku, seperti halnya komet.
  • Seandainya Planet Tyche pernah mendekati Matahari pastilah ada materi planet yang menguap/ terlepas membentuk ekor (seperti halnya komet) dan sejarah pasti akan mecatat akan munculnya sebuah "komet maha raksasa".
  • Seandainya obyek sebesar Planet Yupiter mendekati matahari dapat dipastikan ia tak akan dapat kembali ke tempat asalnya (awan oort), melainkan membentuk orbit baru mengelilingi Matahari, menjadi sebuah Planet Raksasa baru penghuni tata surya. 
  • Planet raksasa dalam tata surya kita terletak pada posisi khusus dan orbitnya tidak berubah selama jutaan hingga milyaran tahun.
Brown Dwaf 
  • Seandainya Planet Tyce adalah obyek berbentuk "planet gas", maka bisa dipastikan "planet Tyche adalah "mayat bintang", bintang yang menjelang mati atau oleh NASA disebut "Brown Dwarf" atau "Cold Star". 
Demikian uraian analisis saya, semoga bermanfaat bagi anda semua. Dan akhirnya Planet Tyche senasip dengan saudaranya Planet Nibiru/ Tiamat yang lahir sebagai hoax dan berakhir juga sebagai hoax juga.


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